Tag Archives: Colosseum

Walking on the old streets of Rome 

Thursday – friday, 06/17-18/2016

Oh boy…I’m already 3 weeks back home, made already another small cycling tour here in the alps but didn’t manage to tell you about the last two days in the capital…shame on me!

After having a non-italian breakfast with muesli, cheese and all kinds of jam I started my exploring day traditionally at the colosseum with the ‘Rome pass’ – you can visit two museums for free, take all public transport for three days and get some discount at the rest of the museums.

To see the unbelievable mechanical knowledge of this early time it’s marvellous to walk through – of course with so many other tourists. The very crucial games were free for  citizens – but they had to get a ticket. Only with this you were allowed to enter the colosseum through the 81 entries so it was very well organised.

There were different games – with wild animals, gladiators or slaves. It is not clear if  Christians were also send into the arena… The gladiators were very well trained through out the year and had to fight about 2 times a year. They were highly accepted by the people. But they could decide whether to be killed or let be alive when they were lying on the ground.

The next highlight was the Forum Romanum with its ruins and main streets which were built through the whole empire.

I was visiting this huge area for several hours and stepped into the ancient town again where I find the tents of Medicines Sans Frontières – but this story I’ve told you already.

On my last day the Vaticano was on the list so I took the metro – and now I knew why people recommend you not to take it after 10 pm…very dark and old, not the place to be at this time.

I took a guided tour and jumped the cue into the Museum of Vaticano after having a closer look to the St. Peters Place with our guide.

Finally we entered the museum which was really crowded – but there you can find all the treasures of the Catholic Church.

Especially the last picture made in the Basilica was so impressive – with the knowledge of standing in the biggest Catholic Church in the world.

After leaving this last highlight I tried to enter the german cemetery – you have to great and ask for admission the Swiss Army – in german! But unfortunately this is only open to the public in the morning.

Finally it came the time to say goodbye to the italian capitol and take the last night train to my home – Bavaria.

After more than 140 years the Deutsche Bahn AG decided in 2014 to end with the City Night Train from Munich to Paris and Copenhagen to Basel – now it seems to be clear to end the complete European Night Train Services by the end of this year…unbelievable!

Keep yourself informed on http://www.nachtzug-bleibt.eu/english/?mobile=1

After 3 border controls with always more than friendly police officers in the middle of the night I arrived with only a little sleep at my destination…and was accompanied by wonderful sun as there were the last weeks most of the time just clouds and rain in Bavaria.

What a wonderful trip these 4 weeks were – I met so many kind and friendly people, discovered the first time Italy by bike which was absolutely outstanding.

So thank you for following me on this trip and helping Doctors without borders to help people in need!